Saturday, July 16, 2011

claim for City Limouzines

If MP invenstment fraud by PCL Ltd and other 33 companies are being covered by news channels then why CITY group is not on channels.
Please do some thikng to bring it out in public thru new channels.

As advised, let the investors file the claim for City Limouzines.  What about the amount invested in City  Co-op.  Society.  One has to remember one thing that even though there are different receipts( City Limouzines, Citi Realcom and City C0-Op. Society) given by the Company but the monthly cheques given were of City Limouzines only.  Therefore some of us have filed claims including all the above companies/society as the Company is one.  Kindly seek necessary advise in this matter and clarify.  Further, we in Karnataka some of us have filed the claims on a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.20/- duly notarised as there are no court fee stamps available in Karnataka.  Please advise and thank you very much for the above information.


The Official Liquidator is appointed for City Limouzines only at the
moment.You have to file your claim only for City Limouzines and only
the receipts issued by City Limouzines and payments received from City
limouzines are to be taken into consideration.

When the Liquidators are appointed for City Realcom and City Co-
operative Society, then we will have to file claims with them
separately. Although you have made payments to City Realcom and City
Co-operative Society, but you have not received anything from them. So
you will have to claim accordingly.

According to my information, you cannot club all companies of City
group to lodge your claim with liquidator appointed for City
Limouzines only. However, some of Mumbai based investors can go to the
Liquidators office in Mumbai and get clarifications on all the points
which are being raised by the investors on this forum.

Mr. Z.A. Khan from Chennai has confirmed that either Non-Judicial
stamp paper of Rs. 20/- or court fee stamp of Rs. 5/- is acceptable.
More clarification from Mumbai Liquidators Office.

May I request one of the knowledgeable investors from Mumbai to go to
the Liquidators Office to seek clarifications on various points which
are being raised on this forum and post the same here for the benefit
of the investors.

Thanks and best wishes.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    My father had invested in City-Limouzines and City Real-comm at Chennai. Can somebody advice what is to be done to get his claim?


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