Beware, multi-level marketing conmen, cops can pin you down
How do you sniff out a con? Know the ways of deceit inside out. Ask the policemen from across the state who were recently apprised by industry experts of the functioning of Multi-level Marketing (MLM) companies and of ways to handle cases of fraud in them.
The training was organised by the Mumbai police unit in light of the rise in number of MLM frauds.
"Those who have established legal MLM models as consultants for foreign companies in India imparted knowledge to the police," said an officer from the economic offences wing (EOW).
The concept of MLM was discussed at length by the industry experts. "The training covered all facets — from defining MLM and its legal aspects to identifying whether a company has a proper business model or not," said the officer.
The day-long session, held at the Mumbai Police Club on Azad Maidan, was attended by 150 personnel from Thane, Nashik and Pune.
"The reason we took this training and called industry experts was to make each policeman aware of such frauds, on the approach to an MLM fraud case and how it needs to be investigated," said Rajvardhan, Additional Commissioner of Police, EOW.
The training was organised by the Mumbai police unit in light of the rise in number of MLM frauds.
"Those who have established legal MLM models as consultants for foreign companies in India imparted knowledge to the police," said an officer from the economic offences wing (EOW).
The concept of MLM was discussed at length by the industry experts. "The training covered all facets — from defining MLM and its legal aspects to identifying whether a company has a proper business model or not," said the officer.
The day-long session, held at the Mumbai Police Club on Azad Maidan, was attended by 150 personnel from Thane, Nashik and Pune.
"The reason we took this training and called industry experts was to make each policeman aware of such frauds, on the approach to an MLM fraud case and how it needs to be investigated," said Rajvardhan, Additional Commissioner of Police, EOW.
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